Very Fast Reservoir Sampling by Erik Erlandson

今天正式的把这个抽样算法加到Apache Flink里了, 这个算法是Erik Erlandson在他的博客上公布的大概是迄今为止最快速的抽样算法的. 这个算法采用了流行的gap distribution的方法抽样, 有效的在减少cpu使用的情况下, 减少了内存的占用, 通过生成抽样之间的gap, 进行近似随机抽样.

在他的博客中,  证明了抽样可以通过生成gap实现随机抽样, 大大减少了随机数的生成时间和占用的内存, 实际应用下, 可以大大增加整体系统的运行效率. 他的博客中, 有基于Bernoulli Distribution(和Poisson Distribution(的两种实现, 在Apache Flink中, Bernoulli分布实现了非replacement的抽样, 而Poisson分布实现了replacement的抽样.

这个新的优化算法, 使用了几何分布(的思想, 对于样品大小远远小于数据大小 (1000000倍以上)的情况下, 样品的抽样率近似于P = R/j, R是样品集合大小, j是当前数据的总数. 这个算法有两部分组成.

  1. 作者定义了一个阈值T, T=4R, R是样品集合的大小. 这里的4是由随机数的好坏确定的. 确定的方法很复杂. 如果数据量小于阈值T, 则使用传统的水塘抽样. 这里使用水塘抽样的原因是,
    1. 如果当前的数据量小, 则生成gap会大大影响抽样结果的分布. 因为这个算法的gap是通过累计分布最后达到均匀分布的, 少量的gap会产生极大的误差. 通过实验表明, KS-test下, 如果样品大小是100,数据量是100000, 那么与随机抽样比较, 误差远远超过了 KS-test的容忍值D.
    2. 在数据量小的情况下, 生成少量随机数并不会对系统产生太大的负担, 这种trade-off是可以接受的.
    3. 水塘抽样的分布和数据量无关, 所以即使抽样大小和数据量很接近, 比如R=100, j=10000, 也可以完美的进行随机抽样.
  2. 当数据超过T, 开始使用几何分布的抽样,我们用如下的方式计算gap:
    1. 首先算出p, 即理想的随机抽样下,  当前样品被抽中的概率, 显而易见, p = R/j
    2. 1-p 就是没有被抽中的概率, 那么生成u, 一个(0,1)的float, 做Math.log(u)/Math.log(1-p) <—这个公式的意义是, 在1-p的周围取gap.
  3. 然后通过省略gap个元素, 取下一个, 就可以实现随机抽样.

这个算法非常依赖于抽样大小和数据量之间的关系, 如果前者不是远远小于后者, 那么gap的大小会导致分布极度不均, 这种不均会使样品的误差很大.


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import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal;
import org.apache.flink.util.XORShiftRandom;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Random;

 * A in memory implementation of Very Fast Reservoir Sampling. The algorithm works well then the size of streaming data is much larger than size of reservoir.
 * The algorithm runs in random sampling with P(R/j) where in R is the size of sampling and j is the current index of streaming data.
 * The algorithm consists of two part:
 * 	(1) Before the size of streaming data reaches threshold, it uses regular reservoir sampling
 * 	(2) After the size of streaming data reaches threshold, it uses geometric distribution to generate the approximation gap
 * 		to skip data, and size of gap is determined by  geometric distribution with probability p = R/j
 *  Thanks to Erik Erlandson who is the author of this algorithm and help me with implementation.
 * @param <T> The type of sample.
 * @see <a href="">Very Fast Reservoir Sampling</a>
public class VeryFastReservoirSampler<T> extends DistributedRandomSampler<T> {

	private final Random random;
	// THRESHOLD is a tuning parameter for choosing sampling method according to the fraction.
	private final int THRESHOLD = 4 * super.numSamples;

	 * Create a new sampler with reservoir size and a supplied random number generator.
	 * @param numSamples Maximum number of samples to retain in reservoir, must be non-negative.
	 * @param random     Instance of random number generator for sampling.
	public VeryFastReservoirSampler(int numSamples, Random random) {
		Preconditions.checkArgument(numSamples >= 0, "numSamples should be non-negative.");
		this.random = random;

	 * Create a new sampler with reservoir size and a default random number generator.
	 * @param numSamples Maximum number of samples to retain in reservoir, must be non-negative.
	public VeryFastReservoirSampler(int numSamples) {
		this(numSamples, new XORShiftRandom());

	 * Create a new sampler with reservoir size and the seed for random number generator.
	 * @param numSamples Maximum number of samples to retain in reservoir, must be non-negative.
	 * @param seed       Random number generator seed.
	public VeryFastReservoirSampler(int numSamples, long seed) {

		this(numSamples, new XORShiftRandom(seed));

	public Iterator<IntermediateSampleData<T>> sampleInPartition(Iterator<T> input) {
		if (numSamples == 0) {
		PriorityQueue<IntermediateSampleData<T>> queue = new PriorityQueue<IntermediateSampleData<T>>(numSamples);
		double probability;
		IntermediateSampleData<T> smallest = null;
		int index = 0, k=0, gap = 0;
		int totalgap = 0; // for test
		while (input.hasNext()) {
			T element =;
			if (index < THRESHOLD) {  // if index is less than THRESHOLD, then use regular reservoir
				if (index < numSamples) {
					// Fill the queue with first K elements from input.
					queue.add(new IntermediateSampleData<T>(random.nextDouble(), element));
					smallest = queue.peek();
				} else {
					double rand = random.nextDouble();
					// Remove the element with the smallest weight, and append current element into the queue.
					if (rand > smallest.getWeight()) {
						queue.add(new IntermediateSampleData<T>(rand, element));
						smallest = queue.peek();
			} else {          // fast section
				double rand = random.nextDouble();
				probability = (double) numSamples / index;
				gap = (int) (Math.log(rand) / Math.log(1 - probability));
				totalgap+=gap;  //for test
				int elementCount = 0;
				while (input.hasNext() && elementCount < gap) {
					element =;
				if (elementCount <gap)
				else {
					queue.add(new IntermediateSampleData<T>(random.nextDouble(), element));
		return queue.iterator();